Monday, October 29, 2012

The last year

So I was a slacker and didn't post for a year, so now I have some catching up to do.  I hope this goes smoothly because I have forgotten how to even post a blog.

Thanksgiving 2011

 The cousin picture that was impossible to capture.  There were many tears.
 Chloe with Great-Grandma and Great-Grandpa Cherry.
We hurried back to Utah to catch Adam's family.

Christmas 2011

 Opening presents at 4:30 in the morning because she was awake and Adam had to leave for work at 6:00.

January 2012
 Random fun pics.  Our little girl LOVES technology.  

March 2012 
 Adam's birthday.

 Visiting Grandpa John in the hospital.

April 2012
 The Tulip Festival at Thanksgiving Point.

May 2012

 Sidewalk Chalk Art Festival in Bountiful.

June 2012

 Creer Family reunion at Aspen Grove.  Chloe and Eliza adored each other.

July 2012
Chloe LOVES sprinklers.  However, she only likes to walk on the sidewalk, never the grass.  So she walks back and forth on the wet sidewalk and splashes in puddles.

October 2012 
 Church is very long so sometimes she takes a nap in nursery.
 Getting a pumpkin at the pumpkin patch.

Grammy Ann and Grandpa John came over for Chloe's birthday.  They gave her some great music, and Chloe loves to dance along. 
Chloe loves her blocks from Grandma and Grandpa Dodds. 
 Our little baby is two!

Well, there you go.  Our year in one post.  I just can't fall horribly behind again.