Sunday, July 24, 2011

She's crawling!

Our baby girl is crawling and has some serious speed. Yesterday I kept following her around trying to keep up with her pathway of destruction. Her favorite thing to do is pull all of the movies off the shelf. I keep telling her no and she just smiles. She also has a new facial expression, as you can see in the last picture. Maybe this is her determined face?

Who is that?

This is actually a picture of Mary Ann (my mother-in-law) in 1943. She was nine months old. Call me crazy, but I think she looks just like Chloe.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Random Visits

So my parents randomly came to visit last week. My mom asked my dad what he wanted to do the next day, and he replied, "See Chloe." Who could blame him, he hadn't seen Little Miss Cuteness in several months and she had completely changed. So my parents drove two and a half hours to see Chloe for a few hours and then drove back home again. It was great to see them, although they really didn't care that I was there. It was all about Chloe.

Burnt Offerings

So I got my hair cut short. I thought I was so cute, and I went out to show it off. My mom, sister, and aunt were in town on Saturday and we went shopping for treasures (aka yard sales, Deseret Industries, and consignment stores). And we totally scored. Everyone found great stuff and great prices. I found lots of clothes for baby Chloe that were hardly worn. However, it appears that a sacrifice had to be made to earn these treasures. I was that sacrifice. I was the burnt offering. My cute haircut exposed my pale, albino-like neck and I was burnt to a crisp. No one else was even slightly singed. Just me. The best part was when a lady at church had to touch my smoldering skin and laugh at how burned it was and how my hairstyle accented it even more. Thank you. That made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.