Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Burnt Offerings

So I got my hair cut short. I thought I was so cute, and I went out to show it off. My mom, sister, and aunt were in town on Saturday and we went shopping for treasures (aka yard sales, Deseret Industries, and consignment stores). And we totally scored. Everyone found great stuff and great prices. I found lots of clothes for baby Chloe that were hardly worn. However, it appears that a sacrifice had to be made to earn these treasures. I was that sacrifice. I was the burnt offering. My cute haircut exposed my pale, albino-like neck and I was burnt to a crisp. No one else was even slightly singed. Just me. The best part was when a lady at church had to touch my smoldering skin and laugh at how burned it was and how my hairstyle accented it even more. Thank you. That made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

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