Sunday, December 16, 2012

Grant Thomas Creer

The doctor offered to induce me on 12/12/12.  We were excited that Grant would have a cool birthday and I was excited to be done.  Being pregnant is not fun.  Several women were induced that day and we had the last time slot.  Then the lovely ordeal began.  When I went to the hospital, I was already dilated to a 2.  They kept increasing the Pitocin and broke my water but at 7:00 at night, I was still at a 2.  I was freaking out at this point at the possibility of a c-section.  Grant's heart rate was decreasing, so they had me on oxygen for a while.  Finally, at 10:15 at night, I was at a 10 and ready to push.  Chloe was easy and I only had to push 6 or 7 times, so I thought that Grant would be easy as well.  I was pushing until 11:09 and it was hard work!  That little boy was stubborn and almost missed his cool birthdate.  Now Grant and I are both doing well.  Our only concern is that Grant is a little small.  Chloe was a big baby and very alert but Grant is small and just wants to sleep all the time.  He had a single artery umbilical cord so he is a long skinny baby.  We will just have to keep a close eye on his growth and see if anything else is affected.

 Waiting to be induced at the hospital.

 Weight: 6 lb 13 oz Length: 20 in

 Grammy Ann and Grandpa John visiting at the hospital

 Chloe loves to look at him but needs to learn to be gentle!

 After his first bath.

 A rare awake moment.

Grant loves to be held all the time and Adam loves to be the one holding him.


  1. Congratulations to all of you!! he is cute as a button!!

  2. We are so very happy for all of you. He is beautiful.

  3. Congratulations!!! He is so adorable! Glad things went well in the end and what a great birthday. Hope all going well for you guys!
